Now that I have time to sit and think about it, I decided to take one of the short stories I wrote for the book and list it on Amazon. Figured it would help fund the cost of editing the main book.
Not much else to say, lots of ideas for other novels and books. I have an idea for a Colfax and Dead sequel, and even have ~7K words started on it, but I didn't have enough of a story to really write a sequel. The same with Cannot Tame the Wind, have an idea for book 2, but doesn't seem to be enough for a whole book.
Of all the ideas in the past year, the one that seems to have some meat to it, is the Skills & Demons storyline. Part of it is I get to take all the horrible D&D memories I have and share them and inflict new ones upon the characters.
It has been doing ok at RoyalRoad where I've been posting it, have gotten a lot of excellent comments that'll help when I start the revision.
If you are interested in effectively beta reading, check them out, I'm doing two versions of the story, one with game text (crunchy) and one without (non-crunchy).
Also coming up on my 1 year anniversary for Patreon, if you want to toss a dollar my way, feel free, I typically post chapters to the Patreon 5 days before they hit on RoyalRoad.
Either way, I hope my writing entertains.