For NaNoWriMo, I thought I would work on a fun project. While I wanted to hit 50K words, I knew it wouldn't be possible with my current words per day. Most days if I hit 1K words it is a good day.
I had also been pondering getting rid of my Macbook, and I completed that task in November. I don't mind having multiple OS's or different ecosystems, all I care about is having the best tool for whatever job I'm trying to complete. However Apple's recent stances against Right to Repair just irks me the wrong way. I could go deeper into it, but its a decision most people will have to make for themselves.
So I sold my macbook and got me a little Lenovo 330s 15ARR(15", AMD 2500u, SSD and 20g of RAM). The battery life isn't as great as the macbook but this way I feel like I'm not supporting Apple. I was already a scrivener users for both windows and Mac so didn't have to make any changes there.
Either way, I've been working on a Novella, maybe even a novel depending on how the story fills out. You are welcome to read a few chapters at I'm also posting the chapters at Wattpad . Feel free to check it out. I'll try to update the site often as I add more chapters.